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Introducing the Intercollegiate Wire

Discover Intercollegiate Wire, the most comprehensive transaction tracker for college athletics personnel. Stay ahead with timely updates and unparalleled insights.

The employment market in college athletics is fluid. Coaches pursue new opportunities, administrators climb the ranks, and programs adapt to stay competitive. Staying ahead of these changes is crucial for both ambitious individuals and successful athletic departments. Until now, there hasn’t been a single, reliable source to track these vital movements – a central hub for all personnel changes within college athletics.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Intercollegiate Wire, the most comprehensive transaction tracker designed specifically for the ever-evolving world of college athletics.

Navigating Intercollegiate Wire’s feed

Why Intercollegiate Wire?

For years, coaches and administrators have relied on fragmented information – a LinkedIn update here, a news article there – to piece together a picture of industry movements. This approach is not only time-consuming but also unreliable, often leaving you a step behind. Intercollegiate Wire changes the game.


Timely and Relevant Updates

Be the first to know about position changes, promotions, departures, and contract extensions across all conferences and divisions. Stay updated with timely and relevant information, ensuring you never miss a crucial update.


Unparalleled Breadth and Depth

No more scouring the internet for scraps of information. Intercollegiate Wire provides a centralized, meticulously curated feed of all personnel transactions. This comprehensive coverage means you get all the information you need in one place.


Trusted Source

Backed by over 16 years of experience as the leading data provider for college athletics with Win AD, Intercollegiate Wire offers reliable and accurate information. We’ve been the go-to data source for college athletics for nearly two decades, and our reputation ensures you can trust the information provided.

Intercollegiate Wire’s interface on display

Benefits of Intercollegiate Wire

Imagine being able to:

Discover Your Next Career Opportunity

Receive instant notifications about job openings to get ahead of the competition and secure your next position.

Make Informed Strategic Decisions

Gain insights into industry trends and personnel changes to make decisions that benefit your program or conference.

Stay Competitive and Informed

Monitor competitors, identify recruiting targets, and use the latest insights from Intercollegiate Wire to maintain your edge.

Filtering for football movements in the Big Ten Conference


Intercollegiate Wire empowers you to navigate the dynamic world of college athletics with confidence. With timely updates, comprehensive coverage, and trusted information, you can stay ahead of the competition and make strategic decisions. Visit our website today to learn more and create a free profile.

Stay informed and gain a competitive edge in college athletics. Visit Intercollegiate Wire today to create your free profile and start accessing relevant updates and comprehensive insights.


What is Intercollegiate Wire?

  • Intercollegiate Wire is a college athletics personnel transaction tracker, providing comprehensive updates on position changes, promotions, departures, and contract extensions.


How does Intercollegiate Wire help in career planning?

  • By offering relevant updates on job openings and personnel changes, Intercollegiate Wire helps you identify relevant career opportunities as soon as they become available.


Why should I trust Intercollegiate Wire?

  • Backed by over 16 years of experience as the leading data provider for college athletics with Win AD, Intercollegiate Wire offers reliable and accurate information.


Can Intercollegiate Wire help me understand industry trends?

  • Yes, by providing comprehensive updates on personnel changes, Intercollegiate Wire helps you stay ahead of industry trends and make informed decisions.


How can I get started with Intercollegiate Wire?