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Product Demo Video: Key Features to Help Your College Athletics Job Search

Discover how Intercollegiate provides detailed job insights, from compensation to team dynamics, to help you make informed career decisions in collegiate athletics.

You won’t miss a thing with Intercollegiate. From compensation to who you’ll work with, we provide all the details upfront to help you make informed decisions. Our platform is designed to give you a deeper understanding of the available jobs in the collegiate athletics industry.

Here is an overview of some details that we provide to give you a deeper understanding of the available jobs:

  • 25-word job summary
  • Search filters
  • Compensation is prominently showcased
  • Insight on collaborators
  • Save (bookmark) the job
Each of these features are showcased in the product demo video below.

We’re continually adding features to make Intercollegiate an even more powerful resource to help you boost your career in collegiate athletics. With detailed insights into compensation, job summaries, and collaboration dynamics, Intercollegiate is your go-to platform for a successful job search.

Head over to the “Search Jobs” tab to begin your search today and take the next step in your collegiate athletics career with confidence.


How can I filter my job search to find the best matches?

  • Use our signature filters, including sport, department, state, division, conference, school, salary, and job level, to narrow down your search and find jobs that match your expertise.


What information is included in the job listings?

  • Each job listing includes vital information such as compensation details, a 25-word summary, and insights into the team and key players you’ll collaborate with.


Can I save job listings that interest me?

  • Yes, you can easily bookmark jobs that catch your interest, allowing for a streamlined review process. You can come back to a folder curated by you.


How do I know if a job is still available?

  • We mark jobs as “expired” in real-time, ensuring that you are not wasting time on jobs that have already been filled.