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Trends in Collegiate Athletics Job Postings: Week of June 9, 2024

Discover trends in collegiate athletics job postings for the week of June 9, 2024. Analyze the breakdown of coaching and administrative positions and understand the shifts in the job market.

Last week, we wrote about the record-setting week of June 2-8, where the most college athletics jobs were posted in one week thus far in the calendar year. This week, the job market didn’t set any records, but it did showcase some interesting trends in the types of job openings.

Job Postings Overview

The week of June 9 provided 840 job openings across D-I, D-II, and D-III athletic programs. Here’s how the number of posted jobs compares to previous weeks in the calendar year.

The breakdown between coaching jobs and administrative positions:

Coaching Jobs Breakdown

The 494 coaching openings last week are still higher than the average weekly total of 334 openings, but slightly down from the record 651 coaching openings the previous week.

Sports with the most openings the week of June 9:

  1. Women’s Basketball: 44
  2. Football: 42
  3. Track & Field: 37
  4. Men’s Basketball: 35
  5. Softball: 33

Women’s Basketball is the only sport to post more coaching positions than football in a given week and has done so six times. Football has posted the most coaching positions the other 17 weeks.

Administrative Jobs Breakdown

There were 346 administrative position openings last week, besting the weekly average of 310.  

Of departmental categories, the most jobs were posted in: 

  1. Marketing, Communications, Content Creation: 77
  2. Sports Medicine: 72
  3. Facilities, Event Operations, Equipment: 61
  4. Student Services: 55

The same departmental categories remained in the top four, but the top spot this week was claimed by marketing, communications, content creation over sports medicine.


While the week of June 9 didn’t break any records, it still showed a significant number of job postings in collegiate athletics. Understanding these weekly trends can help job seekers navigate the market more effectively and plan their career moves with better insight.


How many job openings were posted in collegiate athletics for the week of June 9?

  • A total of 840 job openings were posted, with 494 coaching jobs and 346 administrative positions.


Which sport had the most coaching job postings for the week of June 9?


What was the top departmental category for administrative job postings?


How does the number of job postings for the week of June 9 compare to the previous weeks?

  • While the number of job postings didn’t set a new record, it still showed a substantial number of openings compared to the average weekly totals.


Where can I find the latest job postings in collegiate athletics?