About the Job
Glenville State University
Athletic Director
Salary expectation
Minimum Yrs Exp
Work type
Job Description


Glenville State University is seeking to hire a General Manager (GM) for Pioneer Media, an on-campus entity that includes GSU video recording and broadcasting duties. The GM will primarily work to assure live athletic game day production for all home athletic events both externally (via BlueFrame Production Truck software to the Mountain East Conference Digital Network) and internally (via a NewTek Tricaster live streaming to Nevco Jumbotrons) with created ads spots inserted during media time outs and LiveText scoring.

In addition to recording and live streaming sporting events, the GM is also responsible for the recording and production of special events (commencement, convocation, etc.), informational lectures, and more that are shared via Facebook and YouTube. Archived videos produced by Pioneer Media are shared via GSU’s local access channel (on a Shentel cable channel) and on campus.

Pioneer Media also functions as a learning and teaching environment where students work with the GM to produce quality, creative, and professional content.

Department History

Email us at support@intercollegiate.co with any questions.

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