Underthedirectsupervisionofthe AssistantDirectorofAthleticOperations,theGame Liaison Graduate Assistant is responsible for serving as the home game day liaison.
Ensuresgamedayareasaresetupandreadyforofficials,visitingteam,andspectators. Oversees game day events for efficiency, safety, and experience for all for the aforementioned groups.
Withinthelimitsofauthorized universitypolicies,procedures,programsandbudgets,the Game Liaison Graduate Assistant is responsible for and has the commensurate authority to accomplish responsibilities and duties including but not limited to:
Enforcinggate,allowingentryintoanygatedhomegame onlyafterhands are stamped.
Underthedirectsupervisionofthe AssistantDirectorofAthleticOperations,theGame Liaison Graduate Assistant is responsible for serving as the home game day liaison.
Ensuresgamedayareasaresetupandreadyforofficials,visitingteam,andspectators. Oversees game day events for efficiency, safety, and experience for all for the aforementioned groups.
Withinthelimitsofauthorized universitypolicies,procedures,programsandbudgets,the Game Liaison Graduate Assistant is responsible for and has the commensurate authority to accomplish responsibilities and duties including but not limited to:
The Game Liaison GA is directly accountable to the Assistant Director of Athletic Operationsfortheproperinterpretationandfulfillmentoftheirfunction,theirspecific and general responsibilities, related authority, and their relationships.
TheGameLiaisonGAisresponsibleforcommunicatingefficientlyand effectivelywith coaches in an effort to do their job well.
The Game Liaison GA is responsible to mediate home games as described bythe NAIA fortheGameDayLiaisonposition.Thisincludes,butitnotlimitedto,greetingallofthe aforementionedgroups,ensuringtheabilityofeachgrouptoaccesstheappropriateareas (locker rooms, gym, bathrooms, etc.) They are to moderate the game day activities and ensure safety for all participants.
An annual performance reviewis to be conducted by the Assistant Director of Athletic Operations. This review will include assessment of work duties, ability to follow protocol,strengthsandweaknessesbasedonareviewoftheJobDescriptionandrecent performance and proposed personal and professional development.
Education andExperience
Bachelor’sDegreeandseekingMaster’sDegree.Previousgamemanagementexperience preferred, but not required.
Resourcefulnessinobtaininginformation,energetic,integrity,loyaltyandcooperation, Commitment, positive outlook, professional demeanor.
Mustbeabletoimpartideas,information,facts,or feelingssothatthereceiverofthe message can understand and respond through decoding and feedback.
Fast analysis, organized, ability to implement plans quickly if necessary, control by settingstandards,evaluate conformancetostandards,andtakeappropriateactionifthe standards are not met or are exceeded.
Compensation will be graduate scholarship in Fall and Spring semesters (excluding Summer), based an amount pre-determined by the Assistant Director of Athletic OperationsandtheAssociateVicePresidentandDirectorofAthletics.The GameLiaison GA is required to sign a scholarship yearly.
To apply, interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume, and statement of Christian faith to Kymberlee Grannemann at Kymberlee.Grannemann@mobap.edu.