Posi%on Descrip%on
Title: Head Coach – Field Hockey
Func<on: Under the supervision of the Director of Athle9cs, the Head Field Hockey Coach is
responsible for the leadership and development of student-athletes, including the discipleship
of young women in the program, a highly compe99ve program, and a comprehensive student
support structure to facilitate their spiritual growth and areas of sport-specific technique,
strategic play, teamwork, and safety in the sport of Field Hockey at Gordon College. The level of
responsibility includes areas specific to Field Hockey and a responsibility to our student-
athletes' holis9c well-being. The program's success will be measured by student outcomes,
compe99ve excellence, and the ability to fulfill the college's mission. This will be demonstrated
by the mentoring of student-athletes, including teaching and modeling the value of Chris9an
compe99on and leadership.
Posi%on Descrip%on
Title: Head Coach – Field Hockey
Apply NowFunc<on: Under the supervision of the Director of Athle9cs, the Head Field Hockey Coach is
responsible for the leadership and development of student-athletes, including the discipleship
of young women in the program, a highly compe99ve program, and a comprehensive student
support structure to facilitate their spiritual growth and areas of sport-specific technique,
strategic play, teamwork, and safety in the sport of Field Hockey at Gordon College. The level of
responsibility includes areas specific to Field Hockey and a responsibility to our student-
athletes' holis9c well-being. The program's success will be measured by student outcomes,
compe99ve excellence, and the ability to fulfill the college's mission. This will be demonstrated
by the mentoring of student-athletes, including teaching and modeling the value of Chris9an
compe99on and leadership.
Descrip<on of Du<es and Responsibili<es:
Head Coach Du<es
Responsible for the instruc9on and development of student-athletes, including sport-
specific technique, strategic play, safety, and key aspects of their posi9on.
In collabora9on with the Director of Athle9cs, the Head Field Hockey Coach should
contribute to the development and growth of the department, as well as the overall
growth of Gordon College, including service and mission opportuni9es to invest in the
Gordon community.
Lead the recruitment and reten9on of quality student-athletes who understand and
embrace the mission of Gordon College and of the Athle9cs Department. This requires
aPending Admissions-related func9ons, significant correspondence to inquiries, travel to
recruit prospec9ve student-athletes, and collabora9on with campus partners.
Regularly aPend department staff mee9ngs and ensure compliance with College,
Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC), and NCAA rules, as well as provide support for
large departmental ini9a9ves (including special events), spiritual development, game
management, and alumni/fundraising ac9vi9es.
Work in collabora9on with campus partners to monitor academic performance of
student-athletes and collaborate in all areas of comprehensive student support,
including discipleship, development, and reten9on of student-athletes within their
specific sports program.
Supervise game management for other sports as part of the out-of-season schedule.
Determine fiscal requirements and budgetary recommenda9ons for their respec9ve
program(s), while monitoring, verifying, and reconciling expenditures of budgeted funds.
Perform other du9es as assigned by respec9ve sports supervisor or Director of Athle9cs.
Office hours are primarily weekdays, but responsibili9es require addi9onal hours and
flexibility, including evenings and weekends.
Campus and Community Engagement
Develop and maintain professional and collabora9ve rela9onships with colleagues,
faculty and staff, campus administra9on, alumni, friends of the college, and trustees.
Par9cipate in the life of the Gordon College community.
Par9cipate and aPend campus mee9ngs and func9ons as needed.
Work within the framework of the rules and regula9ons of Gordon College.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abili<es
To fully perform the above func9ons, the incumbent must possess the following knowledge,
skills and abili9es, or demonstrate that the major responsibili9es of the job can be
accomplished, with or without reasonable accommoda9on, using some combina9on of skills
and abili9es.
A bachelor's degree is required, master’s degree is preferred. Experience playing and/or
coaching at the intercollegiate level is also preferred, but not required.
Effec9ve leadership skills and mo9va9onal abili9es with mentoring experiences.
Understanding and apprecia9on of Chris9an liberal arts higher educa9on.
Knowledgeable of, and adhere to, the rules and regula9ons of the NCAA Division III and
the CCC Conference.
Ability to be a team player within the Department of Athle9cs and the ins9tu9on.
Strong desire to work with, relate to, and develop student-athletes.
Sound administra9ve ability with emphasis on organiza9on and aPen9on to detail,
including effec9ve verbal and wriPen communica9on skills.
Posi9ve mindset, solu9on-oriented style of leadership to contribute to a culture of
con9nuous improvement and collabora9on.
Familiarity with basic computer opera9ons, and ability to use common office equipment,
including the ability to operate specialized so‘ware for sports administra9on.
Salary and Benefits
The salary is compe99ve and commensurate with experience and other qualifica9ons. This
posi9on is full-9me, 12 months, and includes a compe99ve benefits package including health
insurance, re9rement, and other benefits.
Email us at support@intercollegiate.co with any questions.
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