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The Definitive Guide to Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation Jobs in D-I College Athletics: October 2024

Discover job market insights, compensation trends, and career news for the field of Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation: one of the most popular in all of college athletics.


Nearly a year’s worth of Intercollegiate’s job market data reveals that the field of Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation consistently ranks among the most posted job types in the industry. In fact, it’s held firm as the third busiest category behind Sports Medicine and Facilities, Event Operations, and Equipment.

On Intercollegiate.co, the Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation is an umbrella for:

  • Athletics Communications
  • Athletics Marketing
  • Broadcast Operations
  • Creative Services: Video, Graphic Design, Photography
  • Fan Engagement
  • Digital Strategy
  • Live Events and Video Services
  • Social Media
  • Media Relations
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Strategic Communications

Job Market Overview

Active Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation Jobs

*Not every job discloses its years of experience requirement and salary range. When a school does provide this information, you can be certain that it is prominently showcased on Intercollegiate.


Last 30 Days

  • Total D-I Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation jobs posted: 146


Last Six Months

  • Total D-I Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation posted: 1,085

2024 at a Glance: Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation Job Openings

In 2024, there have been an average of 49 job postings per week in this departmental category.

Below is a chart that shows the amount of Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation jobs posted by week in the calendar year.

Key takeaways from nearly a year’s worth of job post data:

January to March – Slow Start and Gradual Rise

  • Initial Dip: The year begins with a relatively low number of Marketing/Communications/Content Creation jobs posted, with only 22 on the week of Jan. 14 following the opening week’s higher volume (54 jobs). This suggests that athletic departments queue up jobs to post at the start of the calendar year, but January otherwise is a slower hiring period for these positions.
  • Recovery in February: The job postings increase steadily after the mid January, with a rise from 30 jobs on Feb 25 to 49 jobs by the week of March 3, indicating a ramp-up in hiring as the winter sports end and spring sports kick into gear.

June and July – Peak Hiring Season

  • Peak in Summer: Between June and July, we see a consistent increase in job postings, with significant growth leading up to July 21, when postings reach 81 jobs, the highest recorded number for Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation positions in the dataset. This reflects the seasonal summer turnover and waves of hiring that follow during the preparation of the next academic year.
  • This period is ideal time for candidates seeking marketing-related roles in college athletics to apply, as schools may be preparing for upcoming fall sports and filling vacancies post-spring sports.

September – Fall Drop-off

  • Fall Decrease: By the time fall approaches, job postings drop again, particularly evident in September, with only 32 jobs the final week of September. This suggests that most hires for marketing, communications, and content creation are made well in advance of the busy fall sports season, and fewer roles are available once the academic year begins.

These trends also line up with the rest of the administrative job categories. The chart below compares the amount of Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation postings to all administrative positions by week.

A few recent desirable openings

Compensation Insights

Intercollegiate hosts two unique features that allow us to share this data. Salaries and pay details, when provided, are displayed on Intercollegiate’s site, allowing you to filter by pay to help you find a job that meets your needs. Open and expired job posts remain visible, allowing you to see key data such as the last time a search was conducted for the respective job.


Top 3 best-paying jobs in the last six months

  1. $150,000 – $180,000/yr: Assistant Athletic Director, Broadcast and Network Operation: University of California, Berkley
  2. $150,000/yr: Head of Brand Marketing: University of Wisconsin-Madison
  3. $125,000 – $150,000/yr: Associate AD for Sports Brands Communications: University of Southern California

Career Mobility Tracker via Intercollegiate Wire

The Intercollegiate Wire, college athletics’ most comprehensive personnel movement tracker, allows us to monitor promotions, contract extensions, new hires, and departures across D-I and D-II athletic programs.

Personnel movement in D1 Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation jobs (last four months)


Notable senior Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation personnel moves


See all Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation personnel moves on the Intercollegiate Wire.

Recent News

Get the Most out of Intercollegiate as a Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation Professional

  • Explore the latest job openings by narrowing your search filters. For niche results, tailor the search to a specific state, conference, salary minimum, or even a specific school.
    • Pro Tip: Enable “active and expired job posts” to view compensation trends from previously-posted positions.
  • Use Intercollegiate Wire to its fullest potential by using filters and keyword searches to narrow the Wire to showcase personnel movements relevant to your network.
    • Pro Tip: Try selecting Marketing/Communications/Content Creation as the department and D-I as the division for a narrowed field of results.
  • Create a free account to unlock the ability to bookmark job posts, create custom email alerts, view profiles of the 50,000+ personnel across college athletics, and more.


What type of jobs are included under Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation on Intercollegiate?

  • This category includes roles like Athletics Communications, Athletics Marketing, Broadcast Operations, Creative Services (video, graphic design, photography), Fan Engagement, Digital Strategy, Social Media, Media Relations, Strategic Partnerships, and more.


How many active Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation jobs are currently listed on Intercollegiate?

  • As of now, there are 216 active jobs listed in this department for Division I institutions.


How can I find detailed compensation information on Intercollegiate?

  • Salary information is displayed when provided by the employer. You can filter jobs by pay range and view compensation trends using expired job listings as well.


How often do new Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation jobs get posted?

  • In the last 30 days, there were 146 new job postings. Over the past six months, there have been 1,085 job postings.


How can I track personnel moves in the Marketing, Communications, and Content Creation field?

  • The Intercollegiate Wire tracks personnel movement, including new hires, promotions, and departures. In the last four months, 374 new hires and 72 promotions were reported in this field.


What tools can help me get the most out of Intercollegiate for my job search?

  • You can explore jobs using advanced search filters (state, conference, salary, etc.), track personnel movement via Intercollegiate Wire, and create a free account for additional features like custom alerts and job bookmarks.